Monday, May 31, 2010

Welcome to the world, Renner!

While most people were having Memorial Day BBQ's and spending time with friends and family, we were having a baby. After two months of contractions and near constant visits to the hospital, Renner Charles is finally here. Krista's water broke at home yesterday evening around 7:40pm. We were at the hospital within 10 minutes and Renner was born 4 hours later. There is not too much to share about the labor and delivery part. Thankfully, that part of our pregnancy was fairly unexciting. Krista went from 5 to 10 cm in about 1.5 hrs and the baby came soon after. He was breathing well and had good color to his skin so they were pleased that he was getting oxygen into his body really well. He is also a strong eater. He went into the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for a couple hours for observation because he is still premie, but was released during the night to the regular nursery. The only issue was a little low blood sugar shortly after he was born, but that was fixed by a single feeding of formula and he has been great ever since. Mom is resting and is thankful to not be pregnant any more. After all the stress of the last few months, we are glad to be done. I'll write more as I think of it, but for now I am signing off.

PS: he was 6 lb. 5 oz. and measured 19 in. long. He was born at 11:42pm on 5-30-10.

1 comment:

Donna Harris said...

WOW and WOW! I was just dropping by to read your blog and WOW! Surprise! I am excited. Pray all is well. Renner is a beautiful baby boy. Love to you all!